電話:86-530 8398999
地址:山東省菏澤市牡丹區安興鎮 安皇路萬成服裝廠南鄰
The equipement is a new and full computer control system, it is a high-speed production line, uses of advanced technology from abroad, in the operation, the computer system monitoring the whole production.
1. 代替了現在的創可貼設備生產效率低,用工多弊端。KC--2000--B創可貼高速滾切機,速度每分鐘0--2000片,相當于現在的創可貼機器5--7倍的產能,操作只需一人。
Instead of the low efficiency of band-aid equipments greatly, reduces amount of labour used.KC-2000-B Band-aid packing machine, the production speed is 0-1500 pieces/minute, the production speed as multiple of 5-7 compared with ordinary machine, only needs one operator.
2. 采用松下網絡伺服電機,松下運動控制器 ,10寸觸摸屏連接,其他電器為德力西電器,軟件編程;采用國外先進技術,和我司長期理論于實際經驗編排軟件程序。設備運行中結合自動相位,前后位置自動調節藥帶產品的中 心位置,滾dao選用粉末高速鋼為材質,加工執dao。外觀為不銹鋼包裝,符合GMP生產要求。
Equipment Overall Configuration: The servo motor of this equipment is which made by Panasonic, motion controller made by Panasonic.10 inch touch screen. Other electrical equipment is Delixi Electrical Equipment. We put the domestic and overseas advanced technologies to use, along with long-term theory and practices programming. The equipment can adjusted the medical pads to a right position automatically. The materials of hobs are powder high-speed steel.The packaging of this machine is stainless steel. Composite, conform to GMP production requirements.
3. 設備在更換創可貼規格時只需20分鐘,dao具安裝好后,只需在電腦上輸入需要的規格,即可正常生產。
Replacement Specification: The replacement band-aid specification only needs 20minutes, after cutting tool installation, just input the size that you are needed on the touch screen, it can producing normally.
4. 各個原材料防卷裝置,采用磁粉制動,和磁粉離合自動控制張力,保證設備在高速運轉中的穩定性,
Configuration Assistant:Prevent rolling devices is uses of magnetic powder, along-with magnetic powder clutch, it can adjusted tension automatically, can ensure the equipment running stability at the high speed.
5.詳細參數配置;Main Technical Parameters: